Member-only story
Yet Another Think Piece
Last night I went to see Swan Lake, a fact I feel acutely self-conscious mentioning, because it smacks of privilege. Who is this guy who posts tweets about food poverty that hangs out at the Royal Opera House? Not very congruent, is it?
Besides, what do I do anyway? I talk about food with friends and strangers, I write about myself and food, I study food, I photograph food. All I do revolves around food, yet I do nothing to help anyone, I’m not actually changing the world in any way. It would be easy to find an excuse why not, however I’m not in the business of making excuses, I’ve simply not latched onto any cause célèbre yet.
The ballet was sheer beauty with tears descending upon my cheeks as Siegfried carried a lifeless Odette to the centre of the stage. I often wonder why I’m here, both in life and watching these performances, what am I seeking? Swan Lake is a pure, unadulterated spectacle of passion, love and deceit, that’s simply a mirror of life, perhaps? Do I visit to simply see what connection to life I can develop? Is it an vignette through which I can access deeper emotions which are locked away inside? Probably. Maybe one day I’ll have the confidence to write the answer to that.
And today, I have written yet another think piece, with no story and no outcome, just me prattling on about my life. Even I find this boring. It’s never easy, is it?
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